Monday, December 10, 2007

Trip to Des Moines - Day 1

Well today is the first day of a 4 day trip to Des Moines, Iowa. I am here on business for ADP, to do some training at our office here. This morning I worked from home, and then my father-in-law took me to the Airport. I got there early, so I ended up waiting around for about 2 hours. The plane to DSM was very small. Probably the smallest plane I have ever ridden in. It was a 50 seater. Luckily no one sat next to me, so I had a bit more room to stretch out. The flight was about 3 hours, and went by pretty quick. I grabbed a rental car - Chev Impala - and headed off to the hotel. It was interesting trying to get there, but luckily didn't even get lost. I am staying at the Marriott, which is pretty nice. They gave me a Jacuzzi suite. It's got two rooms, two flat screens tv's, and a huge tub. It's pretty tight. Right as I started to get comfortable, the fire alarm went off, and they evacuated everyone out of the hotel for a few minutes due to a reported fire in the hotel. So I headed over to the McDonalds for a quick bite to eat. And that's about it for today. I will be doing some training Tues, Wednesday, and coming home Thurs. If I remember, maybe I'll blog about my week after it's over. :)

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