Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Curse of the light hair

The beard is still in progress. Problem is my facial hair is so stinkin' light. Curses! Ha. Anyways, the quest for a beard is still my number one goal in life right now. Ha! Just kidding, but it's something to blog about. Anyways, I'm done now. Tchau.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm gonna grow a beard....Dangit!

It's not fair. I'm fair skinned, which means my ability to grow facial hair sucks. Anyways. The beard is coming. Beware! Last time I grew it out, I shaved it too soon. This time, I'm growing it out for good. And yes, I know it's pathetic that I'm blogging about my attempts to have a furry face, but it's about the only interesting thing going on right now! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

steweeblog.com is gone forever

So, my blog address used to be www.steweeblog.com. Unfortunately, I did not renew my domain, and it has already been bought up. So, for all you immense numbers of followers to my blog, my new address is just the standard stewee.blogspot.com.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bears...Beets...Battlestar Galactica

I was Dwight Schrute for Halloween this year. It was a lot of fun. Only problem was that apparently alot of people I work with don't watch The Office. And then I got bored, so for a Halloween Party I gave myself a mohawk with Amy's help. :) It only lasted one day. I couldn't stand it.