Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Conquest to Lose Weight - Day 1

As alot of people do, I also have a New Year's Resolution to lose weight. Today is Day 1, and all is well, so far. I thought I would write a bit about my plans for this year, and what I hope to accomplish. To motivate me, I am participating in a few weight lose contests with coworkers, and also with my dad. On 12/31/07, I officially weighed in at 318lbs. By the end of 2008 my dream goal is to weigh 220lbs. I will be happy if I can reach 240lbs by the end of the year. To start my diet/weight lose program out, tomorrow I will be trying a detox/cleanser 7 day program I bought at the store. I have to drink some stuff in the morning, and take a pill in the morning and night. Not sure if it will do anything, but what the heck. I hope to write at least once a week about my weight loss progress, and how things are going. 

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