Saturday, January 5, 2008

Conquest to Lose Weight - Day 6

Well, it is day 6, and I thought I would write a little about my progress towards weight loss. This week I did ok. I weighed myself just now, and it shows that I weigh about 310. That puts me at an 8lb loss for this week. Not too bad, considering the only work out I got was playing a church ball game this week. (Which we won of course!) All I have done this week to lose weight, is watching what I eat a bit better. I still had the occasional goody, and we did go out for dinner last night, but, my goal of 2lbs per week is on a good start. As for that Detox7 thing I bought, it was crap. The stuff I was supposed to drink was disgusting! I actually never got any in my mouth due to the fact that it smelled so bad! I mainly have been trying to drink a lot more water, and smaller portions, and so far, I can tell that Caloric deficit is working. I have found that I have more of a hunkering for sweets, than actually hunger. Hopefully I can keep this up. We never made it to the gym this week, as things kept coming up. Monday we are planning on starting up our memberships again, and going as often as we can. Well it's really late, so I think it's time for me to go to sleep now.

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