Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rhode Island - Friday & Saturday

Today is Saturday and it's about 11:18pm. We are just sitting here in the living room, chillin, and watching some of the Olympics. I thought I would blog a bit about the last two days. Friday we spent the day in Newport, RI. It's an ocean town that has a lot of large ship tours, and lots of shopping. We all split up, and wandered around town. I took a ton of pics of the harbour and buildings and all such stuff. We had a good time. We found out later, that the case of "The Deadliest Catch" was in a tent nearby, and we could have gotten their autographs or something. Oh well.

Today we hung around the house until about 1pm, and then we went to Wickford, RI. Wickford is located near Naraganssett, if I remember correctly. Another town near the water. The main reason we went there was to look at the history. Wickford is a very old city. A lot of the buildings have dates on them, showing their original construction dates in the late 1700's and early 1800's. We walked around the town, and spent some time city at the harbour. After our trip to Wickford, we went over to Liz's parents house. Rick and Cindy had a BBQ of all sorts of great food. We had hotdogs, hamburgers, kilbasa, ribs, salad, etc. Very yummy. Then we all sat around and shot the bull and chatted for awhile.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving at 7am to head back home. I can't believe this vacation went by so fast. We had a good time though. I enjoyed the whole time here. It was fun. Thankfully we have Monday off to recover from our vacation, but it's gonna be a busy day. I have to make a trip to the dump, and get Amy's car fixed up also.

Well, it looks like we are going to bed now, so that was my vacation! When I get my Picasa Gallery updated with all the pics, I'll post a link in the blog.

1 comment:

Broadheads said...

COOL I didnt know you bloged! super! I am adding you to my hit list for sure!