Well, it's been awhile since my last blog, so here I am. I am not exactly sure what to blog about though. lol. Things are going well here in the house of Stu. Today is Amy and my 4th year anniversary. Time really does fly. I couldn't be happier.
Yard work is coming along. We now have new siding on our house. It looks great. Much better than the crappy wood paneling. Now I'm just waiting for them to come back and put up my gutters. We cut down all the trees, and now I have a huge pile of trees that I need to figure out what's going on. If you want to see some of the pics from our house, check them out at the link below:
House PicsI went and saw Indiana Jones 4 on opening night. It was a fun movie. Probably not my favorite Indy, but it was still fun, and enjoyable.
Let's see, what else has been going on in the life of Stu? Ah yes, I was recently called as the 1st Councilor in the Elders Quorum in church. So far I am enjoying this calling, and enjoy the people I work with.
Well that's about it, so I think I'll end this blog here for the day...or night. Whatever....lol.