Saturday, January 31, 2009


Tonight we went and saw the movie "Taken" starring Liam Neeson. It's a pretty good movie, with lots of action. It's about a retired agent of sorts, whose daughter is kidnapped while on vacation, and sold into human trafficking. He promises her kidnappers that he has specials skills in which he will find them and kill them. I don't want to ruin too much of the movie, but to say it was a good action flick.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weight Loss Update

Incase you don't read my Stu's Gettin' Skinny Blog, last night I posted my weigh in video. Last one for January, and I met my goal. Woo hoo! The goal is 10lbs a month until I feel i've reached a good point. I don't usually blog about the weight on this blog, but felt like it anyway.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A trip up the canyon

It's Saturday, and for once we didn't have to be anywhere. I decided I wanted to go up to Temple Quarry at the mouth of Little Cottonwood, and take some pics. Just one problem. There is like 3 feet of snow there and no way to get in, so we drove up to Snowbird and then came back down and parked at the bus stop and took a few pics from the parking lot. It wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, but it was still fun. Here's some pics from the mini adventure.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Playing with different lighting

I've been playing with lighting, and took a few self portraits. One is with lighting from above, the other is a diffused light from the side. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Random Pic of the Day

Here's the pic of the day. Something I took a few days ago.

New Photo Studio

o, I'm working on perfecting my photography techniques, and tonight I cleaned up the basement and built a "homemade" portrait studio. The pic below is what it looks like at the moment. It's currently a king size white sheet (which hasn't been ironed), and 3 clamp lights, which I'm still working on positions. The next pic was a quick one I snapped while playing with the lighting.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Random Pic of the Day

I took this one cuz I was bored. The frog is actually not mine, but a friend's from work. I borrowed it a while back to make a desktop wallpaper for him. I decided to do a random pic, my headphones just happened to be in the background. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. But that's why photography is fun.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Camera Stuff

So I got my new lense for my Canon camera this past week. I have a new goal to start taking more pictures just for fun and posting them here. My first one is my blog header, which is a self portrait! Look for new pics coming soon!