Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

We went and saw The Dark Knight last night with Amy's co-workers. Great Movie! It was very well done, and Heath Ledgers performance was amazing. Very good Joker. If you get the chance, go see this movie, you will not be disappointed.

Potters Ponds

Got back from camping on Sunday afternoon. It was a blast. We had a good time. I did alot of relaxing, eating, reading, swimming, biking, etc. It was great, and went by almost too fast. I had a near death experience too, going along Skyline Drive on my way to Mt. Pleasant. If you ever get a chance, pass. Amy did some fishing, and ended up catching 5 fish. I took about 500 pics, so go take a look on my Picasa gallery, or Facebook, or whatever. Click here to view my pics.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I'm going camping this week. Expect to see some gnarly pics and a cool report of the trip shortly. Peace Out!